Relationship between age, and gender with COVID-19 treatment period for patients with mental disorders at the Aceh Mental Hospital in 2021

Novita Andayani, Zulfa Zahra, Malawati Malawati,Muhsin Muhsin, Munira Sungkar

JKS (Banda Aceh)(2023)

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Introduction: COVID-19 can infect anyone from children to the elderly and is not closed tothe possibility of occurring in people with mental disordersObjectives: This study aims to identify the relationship between age and gender to theCOVID-19 treatment period in patients with mental disorders at the Aceh Mental HospitalMethods Materials: This type of research is observational analytic with a cross-sectional design with a total of 106 subjects. Data obtained from medical records were analyzed using the Spearman's Rank testResults: Research on patients with mental disorders at the Aceh Mental Hospital in 2021shows that the COVID-19 treatment period 14 days is mostly found in the adult age groupand the COVID-19 treatment period ≥ 14 days is mostly found in the pre-elderly age group.In the gender group, the COVID-19 treatment period 14 days and ≥ 14 days, the malegroup was more than the female group.Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a significant influence between age and themass of COVID-19 treatment with a p value = 0.000 (p ≤0.05) and there was no significantinfluence between gender and the COVID-19 treatment period with p = 0.082 (p0.05). Thisstudy recommends further research, especially in patients with mental disorders who havebeen vaccinated against COVID-19.
aceh mental hospital,mental disorders,gender,patients
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