Pelatihan pemandu wisata bagi pokdarwis di desa bangun rejo, kec. tenggarong seberang, kabupaten kutai kartanegara

EJOIN Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat(2023)

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Bangun Rejo village is located in Tenggarong Seberang district of Kutai Kartanegara, is a village inhabited by the ethnic majority of Java. The natural potential that is present in this village is very interesting to visit. The destination managed by the Mentari Travel Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) is named Bukit Mahoni. With an area of ± 3 hectares consisting of 1 hectare of an average 37th-year-old Mahoni forest and 2 hectares of a fruit garden, in which there is also a caterpillar beekeeping that produces caterpan honey. The village of Bangun Rejo is in great need of human resources trained in providing services to the tourists, both in terms of language in communication and in driving techniques. They do not have the right guidance techniques so they are unable to explain and guide the potential of tourism that exists in their place. This makes the potential that existed around them impossible to maximize. The target of the desired outcome is that the community is able to be a good tourist guide so that it can serve the tourists who come to their place, so it is expected to help the income of the local community from the economic side.
tenggarong seberang,bangun rejo
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