Digital Competences and Didactic Technologies Training for Teachers in Service: From DigCompEdu to a National Framework

Communications in computer and information science(2023)

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In the Italian school systems, teachers are not obliged to attend training courses about digital competences, innovative didactic methodologies or didactic technologies. As a matter of fact, there are some previsions about providing to teachers the possibility to train on the topics above mentioned (and many mores); the training, in a longlife learning perspective [1] is also highly recommended, but there are no statutory provisions [2]. This contribution proposes a framework in order to provide a structured training for teachers in services, linking the training to the possibility to develop a career in the Italian school systems, possibility that has always been theorized, but never implemented. The framework should be introduced and structured by the Italian Higher Education Institutions, modeling it on the multilevel organization of the DigCompEdu, starting from the earliest levels (A1 and A2), giving teachers the possibility to become leaders and innovators [3] in the training topic they choose to train in.
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didactic technologies training,teachers,digcompedu
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