Methodological Support of Air Pollution Monitoring System

Studies in systems, decision and control(2023)

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In this chapter, a methodology for air pollution monitoring using spatially branched wireless sensor networks is formed, based on 3 directions of scientific and practical foundations: theoretical, methodological, and hardware/software. As an element of an integrated control system for complex technical objects, a hierarchical structure of the air pollution monitoring system is proposed within the framework of the Smart Energy concept. A feature of this structure is the formation of relevant data at different hierarchical levels and access to them by the relevant user groups. The goals, objectives and requirements for the data of the air pollution monitoring system are formed. It is shown that the objectives of air pollution monitoring are unique for various networks, and can be formed with taking into account a significant number of factors. As an integral part of the methodology, mathematical models of the air pollution field are proposed in the form of a vector random field, non-uniform in spatial arguments, non-stationary in time, and which depends on the influence of various factors. The use of mathematical models of this type makes it possible to carry out studies with the determination of spatio-temporal characteristics during monitoring in various limited areas of space at finite time intervals. This provides an opportunity for further comparative analysis of monitoring results in order to verify the adequacy of the proposed models, predict the dynamics of changes in the main characteristics of control objects in space and time.
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air pollution,monitoring
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