Architectural Conditions of A Jakarta State Vocational School: A Child-friendly School Design Perspective

Ade Dwi Utami,M. Syaom Barliana, Riskha Mardiana

Jiptek: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik dan Kejuruan(2023)

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This research aims to explain the design principles of child-friendly vocational schools, describe the architectural conditions of the facilities and infrastructure in Jakarta 1 State Vocational School, and explain their suitability based on the design principles of child-friendly vocational schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this research use observation and documentation. The object of this research is the facilities and infrastructure of Jakarta 1 State Vocational School in the scope of a general learning room, a supporting learning room, and a specific learning room for construction and property engineering expertise. The final result explains that the architectural conditions of the facilities and infrastructure in Jakarta 1 State Vocational School are very suitable following the design principles of a child-friendly vocational school, including safety, health, comfort, easiness, and security requirements. The final suitability score is 74.5%. The most suitable assessment is on the Safety criteria, while the lowest is on the Comfort criteria.

jakarta state vocational school,architectural conditions,design,child-friendly
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