Learning mathematical modeling in a virtual mobile math trails environment

Nazzun Sholikha Nurin, Muhammad Ghozian Kafi Ahsan,Adi Nur Cahyono

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols(2023)

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Mathematical modelling ability is students’ ability to translate a problem in real world into mathematical model, solve it according to mathematical concepts, and return solutions to real situations. Mathematical modelling ability can be supported by exploring mathematics in environment designed virtually for online learning via mobile applications. This study aimed to explore how Virtual Mobile Math Trails can promote students’ mathematical modelling ability. This study uses design research approach with the ADDIE development model. Preliminary analysis shows that students use smartphones as learning media and they are given the freedom to access supporting applications. The research product is a mobile application called MathEx (Mathematics Explorer) which is made with Scratch 3.0. The product has been validated by media and material experts, teacher, and product trials by students and gets a very good category. This mobile application has been implemented at a Junior High School in Semarang. The findings indicate that this product helps students to apply mathematical modelling through solving the contextual problem about Spatial Geometry during the lesson, so MathEx makes mathematical modelling learning more meaningful. Based on the analysis after learning using Virtual Mobile Math Trails, there was an increase in students’ mathematical modelling ability in medium category.
mathematical modeling,mobile,learning
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