The amount of vinegar added before and after emulsification affects the physical property and stability of mayonnaise

Min Li, Lauren Doyle, Raul Velazquez,Philipus Pangloli, Tao Wu


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Many processing parameters influence the physical property and stability of mayonnaise, and producing stable mayonnaise is still more of an art than a science today. The amount of vinegar added before and after emulsification is critical, but its detailed influences and underlying mechanism remained unclear and became the topic of this study. By increasing the amount of vinegar added before the emulsification, the lightness of the prepared mayonnaise decreased, and the greenness and yellowness increased; the viscosity and storage modulus decreased; the droplet sizes increased; the flocculation index decreased; and extractable oil percentage increased. In addition, increasing the amount of vinegar added led to the increase in particle size of egg yolk granules, which ultimately affected the physical property and stability of mayonnaise. Overall, increasing the amount of vinegar added before the emulsification decreases the stability of mayonnaise by affecting the structure of egg yolk granules. These findings lead to a better understanding of the physical processes involved in the production and stabilization of mayonnaise.
Mayonnaise,Physical property,Stability,Vinegar,Yolk granules
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