[Corrigendum] Human papillomavirus E6‑regulated microRNA‑20b promotes invasion in cervical cancer by targeting tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2

Molecular Medicine Reports(2023)

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Subsequently to the publication of this paper, an interested reader drew to the authors’ attention that, in the wound‑healing assay shown in Fig. 2C on p. 5467, the data panel for the ‘Anti‑NC / 24 h’ experiment appeared to be the same as that shown for the ‘miR‑NC / 0 h’ data panel, albeit the image had been turned through 180°.
After having re‑examined their original data, the authors have realized that this figure was inadvertently assembled incorrectly. The corrected version of Fig. 2, now showing the correct data for the ‘Anti‑NC / 24 h’ panel in Fig. 2B, is shown on the next page. Note that this error did not significantly affect the results or the conclusions reported in this paper, and all the authors agree with the publication of this Corrigendum. Furthermore, the authors apologize to the readership for any inconvenience caused. [Molecular Medicine Reports 16: 5464‑5470, 2017; DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2017.7231]
human papillomavirus,cervical cancer,metalloproteinase
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