Cloud-Enhanced Real-Time Disease Classification With Vital Sign Monitoring

Lakshmi Narayanan,Prabha Selvaraj

Advances in information security, privacy, and ethics book series(2023)

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The delivery of healthcare is an area where data access, processing, analysis, sharing, and storage between many parties is exceedingly important. In order to address this demand, cloud computing has gained popularity in a wide range of fields, including telemedicine, information management, and bioinformatics. The gestures of the patient were continuously captured and recorded in the cloud. The gesture recognition may be applied especially for the bed-ridden patients who cannot communicate verbally. The sample simulation of the clustering and disease identification with the gesture recognition was done to prove the efficacy of the system. In this chapter, various artifacts of cloud-based technology and the possibility of implementation in the healthcare sector is discussed briefly.
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Key words
disease classification,monitoring,cloud-enhanced,real-time
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