Complementing AC & DC Terminal Stability Analyses of MMC with Inner Loop Impedance

Chunting Zhao,Qirong Jiang

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Learning from two-level voltage source converters, the existing impedance-based stability analyses of modular multilevel converters (MMCs) primarily focus on system modes with finite closed-loop transfer functions, which consider perturbations of the current flowing into the public AC/DC terminal as the input. However, this approach may be insufficient for MMCs due to their actively controlled circulating circuit, resulting from the distributed modulation of each arm and the circulating current control (CCC). To address this limitation, two cases that are not covered by the AC/DC terminal stability analysis are initially presented to support the conjecture. Subsequently, an inner loop impedance for the circulating circuit is established, which considers the dynamics of public terminals and divides the injected voltage perturbation by the corresponding current perturbation at the same frequency. To avoid the need for a right-half plane pole check when applying the Nyquist criterion, a logarithmic derivative-based criterion is proposed to directly identify the system modes. By utilizing the inner loop impedance, it becomes possible to achieve CCC parameter tuning with stability constraints and conduct an internal stability analysis of MMC-based systems. This work provides a strong foundation for the integration of power-electronicized power systems from the perspective of classical control theories.
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Key words
dc terminal stability analyses,stability analyses,impedance,complementing ac,mmc
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