Regulatory Support in the Field of Designing Soil Ground Regarding to Freezing in Domestic Construction

Zhanbolat Shakhmov,Yelbek Utepov, Gulshat TLEULENOVA, Kairat KHAFIZ

Университет еңбектері(2023)

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Information is provided on a new regulatory system in the field of designing soil foundations in housing construction in Kazakhstan. The main goal is to show the difference between the old and new regulatory systems. The main conclusions from the regulations for the design of the soil base in the area of the influence of freezing-thawing on the stability of soil bases and foundations are presented. For the study, methods of analytical comparison of the new harmonized standards SP RK EN (Harmonized Eurocodes) with the old previous SNiPs standards were used. According to the new internalized standards, the risk of frost heaving can be assessed according to the classification characteristics of the soil or laboratory tests of test specimens in their natural state. The authors give in the work formulas for determining the stability of foundations with tangential and normative heaving, the depth of freezing of soil foundations. According to the analysis and research carried out, the regulatory prerequisites for determining frost heave soils were determined
designing soil ground,domestic construction,freezing
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