An Extensive Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Clustering Routing Methods Based on LEACH

Vraj Hingu,Anand. D. Pandya, Dr. Dinesh J Prajapati

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology(2023)

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The creation and use of sensor networks has piqued a lot of interest. Remote sensor network is an assortment of countless little hubs which goes about as switches too. The limited power supply that these nodes carry is non-replaceable and non-rechargeable, making energy consumption a significant issue. In order to extend the network's lifespan, energy conservation is a crucial issue. The choice of routing method is crucial to regulating energy consumption because the sensor nodes also function as routers. Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks is the subject of this paper's analysis and research, which also includes a description of the wireless sensor network framework.
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wireless sensor network,clustering
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