Forensic DNA phenotyping: A promising tool to predict human appearance for forensic purposes

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)(2023)

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Forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) based on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is an emerging technique that is generally based on the idea that each individual is genetically unique, except monozygotic twins. This technique portrays an individual’s externally visible characteristics (EVCs) from DNA obtained from biological samples. Various studies seeking to link the relationship between polymorphisms and phenotypic characteristics are increasing and have shown promising results in helping forensic sciences and are becoming one of the most useful additional tools for helping investigating agencies in different types of criminal cases and individual’s identification. Eye, hair and skin color can now be predicted reliably and accuracy. Although, FDP has not yet been implemented routinely in the forensic science field due to the lack of complete genetic knowledge of phenotypes. Also, in some countries its application has given rise to a number of ethical, social and legal issues, which is being the most restrictive barrier to the implementation of FDP.
human appearance,dna,forensic purposes
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