Widespread but spotty: Atlantic cod is a complex of five species through ecological speciation

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2023)

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Withdrawal Statement The authors have withdrawn their manuscript because they have discovered errors in the alignment of parts of the data. Miscommunication with the sequencing center led to a misunderstanding of the pooling design and incorrect merging of sequencing read files from different individuals into single bam files. Thus bam alignments for each individual sample of four out of 12 batches are based on a majority of reads from that individual but also on reads from one or two other individuals. Individuals in eight other batches were not affected by this. However, for this paper, the entire data was jointly genotyped to produce vcf files, and the joint genotyping may thus indirectly affect samples of other batches. Revising the paper by teasing apart the affected and non-affected parts of the data is not an option, and they, therefore, withdraw the preprint. They are reanalyzing the dataset. Therefore, the authors do not wish this work to be cited as reference for the project. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author.
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Key words
atlantic cod,ecological speciation,species
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