Formulasi dan Evaluasi Sediaan Blush on Stick Ekstrak Umbi Bit (Beta Vulgaris L) Sebagai Antioksidan

Muhammad Fahmi Ramadani,Siti Malahayati,Dede Mahdiyah

Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains(2023)

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Abstrak Umbi bit (Beta vulgaris L) ialah tumbuhan yang dapat digunakan sebagai perona natural sebab memiliki betalanin sebagai melamin warna merah yang juga dapat bertugas sebagai antioksidan. Antioksidan bermanfaat mencegah kulit akibat negatif aspek luar serta menaikkan pembuatan kolagen kulit yang akan melindungi kekenyalan, fleksibilitas, dan kehalusan kulit (anti-aging). Blush on yang berupa stick serupa dengan lipstik, creamy, alhasil sesuai untuk seluruh tipe kulit. Tujuan riset ini menganalisis formulasi serta evaluasi sediaan blush on stick ekstrak umbi bit (Beta vulgaris L) yang maksimal. Metode riset yang dicoba merupakan quasy experimental design dengan konsep riset one group posttest- only design. Waktu penelitian dimulai dari bulan Oktober 2021–Mei 2022. Lokasi riset terletak di Laboratorium Teknologi Farmasi Universitas Sari Mulia Banjarmasin. Blush on stick ekstrak umbi bit diformulasi dengan 3 variasi Fokus dasar lilin carnauba 10%, 20%, serta 30%. Setelah itu dilakukan penilaian meliputi percobaan organoleptis, homogenitas, pH, daya sebar, serta kemampuan lekat. Hasil penilaian dalam percobaan organoleptis seluruh formulasi berwarna coklat serta beraroma mawar, kestabilan FI dan FII lembut serta FIII kaku. Percobaan homogenitas seluruhnya homogen. Percobaan pH seluruhnya memenuhi detail pH 4,5–6,5. Percobaan kemampuan sebar FI memenuhi spesifikasi 3–5 cm ialah 3,3 cm. Percobaan kemampuan lekat seluruh formulasi memenuhi detail 4 detik. Variasi konsentrasi dasar lilin carnauba mempunyai akibat pada penilaian sediaan blush on stick. Bersumber pada evaluasi formula yang maksimal merupakan F1 dengan konsentrasi lilin carnauba sebesar 10%. Simpulan, formulasi yang optimal berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pH, daya sebar, dan daya lekat adalah formulasi I dengan konsentrasi basis 10%. Kata kunci: Blush on stick, ekstrak umbi bit, formulasi, lilin carnauba Formulation and Evaluation Of Blush on Stick Preparations Beetroot Extract (Beta Vulgaris L) As Antioxidants Abstract Beetroot (beta vulgaris L) is a plant that can be used as a natural dye because it has betalanine as a red melamine which can also act as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are useful in preventing the skin from negative external effects and increasing the production of skin collagen which will maintain skin elasticity, flexibility and smoothness (anti- aging). The blush in the form of a stick is similar to lipstick, creamy, so it is suitable for all skin types. The purpose of this research is to analyze the formulation and evaluation of the maximum beetroot (beta vulgaris L) extract blush on stick. The research method being tried is quasy experimental design with the research concept of one group posttest-only design. The research period starts from October 2021–May 2022. The research location is located at the Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory, Sari Mulia University, Banjarmasin. Beetroot extract blush stick is formulated with 3 variations of carnauba wax base focus of 10%, 20% and 30%. After that, an assessment was carried out including organoleptic experiments, homogeneity, pH, spreadability and adhesion ability. The results of the evaluation in the organoleptic experiment of all formulations were brown and rose-scented, the stability of FI and soft FII and stiff FIII. The homogeneity experiment is completely homogeneous. The pH test fully complied with the details of pH 4.5–6.5. The test for the ability to spread FI to meet the specifications of 3–5 cm was 3.3 cm. The adhesiveness test of all formulations fulfilled the 4 second detail. Variations in the base concentration of carnauba wax have an impact on the evaluation of blush stick preparations. Based on the evaluation of the optimal formula is F1 with a carnauba wax concentration of 10%. Conclusion, the optimal formulation based on the evaluation results of pH, spreadability and adhesion is formulation I with a base concentration of 10%. Keywords: Beetroot extract, blush on stick, carnauba wax, formulation
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stick ekstrak umbi bit
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