Evaluation of Learning in Remote Teaching using Digital Radiographic Image Database by Dental Students

Joanna Rodrigues da Silva Ferreira,Mércia Lamenha Medeiros, Délcio Matos

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract The digital periapical radiographic image database was developed, implemented, and evaluated in association with PBL as an online teaching-learning strategy in the subject of Dental Radiology and Imaging. This qualitative-quantitative case study used an e-learning tool in six stages: pre-test and post-test; dialogical presentation; asynchronous study session; feedback and evaluation of reaction and motivation (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction - ARCS). The analysis by triangulation of methods revealed that with significance, cognitive performance improved by 41.6\% between pre and post-tests. As for the motivational scale, 100\% of the students agreed that the activity was interesting, and the narratives expressed enthusiasm. There were divergences in the answers in the attention and confidence domains, signaling aspects that could be improved in the teaching-learning strategy. The application of e-learning facilitated the understanding of radiographic interpretation, making using these tools a promising approach.
remote teaching,dental students,digital radiographic image database
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