Intelligent Autonomous Drones in Industry 4.0

Kriti Dwivedi, Priyanka Govindarajan, Deepika Srinivasan, A. Keerthi Sanjana,Ramani Selvanambi,Marimuthu Karuppiah

Advanced technologies and societal change(2023)

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The term drones are thrown around a lot and are frequently used in conversations among consumers, whether it is related to their holiday shopping lists, their hobbies, or even when they discuss news. The original meaning of the term “drone” was preprogramed with a flight plan or remotely controlled, which is why multi-rotor drones are now prominent. Autonomous drones are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that operate using artificial intelligence (AI)-powered navigation and operational software and do not require a human pilot. From departure to landing, these drones inspect, survey, and carry out other activities by their own without man force. Autonomous industrial drones are changing the way industrial and critical infrastructure sites conduct routine maintenance, oversee safe and secure operations, ensure business continuity after severe weather and other incidents, and maintain compliance by eliminating the human error factor and the overhead of piloted drone systems. This chapter discusses about the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPASs), a video camera system with adaptive zoom support, pan and tilt functions, private law if the people is injured on the ground, and finally, there will be representation of the correlation diagram between the flight level of drones and safety and a fault-tolerant control system. This chapter concludes by discussing the future of drones which are real and bio-inspired flying robots.
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