When academic displacement and internationalization intersect, different approaches for inclusion in Higher Education: contributions from the Welcoming Program for Ukrainian Scientists, Paraná - Brazil

Elisa de Carvalho, Klarissa Valero Ribeiro Saes, Maria Lúcia Figueiredo Gomes de Meza


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Abstract: Universities have a unique role in facilitating the integration of displaced scientists into the academic community, thus promoting inclusion. Concurrently, institutions of higher education worldwide are increasingly emphasizing internationalization, aiming to attract and support a diverse faculty and student body. This paper aims to discuss how initiatives focused on integrating displaced scientists into Brazilian higher education relate to institutional internationalization efforts. We examine the Welcoming Program for Ukrainian Scientists, Paraná, Brazil. By combining literature/document analysis and interviews with key actors, we examine the initial motivation for universities and participants and the externalities resulting from implementation to provide some insights. The study reveals that the program has the potential to make a significant contribution to the internationalization and diversity in higher education and, concurrently, address social justice concerns.
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Key words
academic displacement,higher education,internationalization,inclusion,welcoming program
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