Mineral resource assessment through geostatistical analysis in a phosphate deposit

M Mazari, S Chabou-Mostefai, Agnes S. Bali, K Kouider,Aïssa Benselhoub, Stefano Bellucci

Naukovij vìsnik Nacìonalʹnogo gìrničogo unìversitetu(2023)

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Purpose. The selection of an appropriate variographic model is crucial in geostatistics to obtain accurate estimates of mineral reserves. The aim of this work is to develop a reserve estimation tool using a geostatistical approach. Methodology. The geostatistical approach is based on selecting the most representative variographic models for the studied variables. The model selection is done by applying a cross-validation procedure leave-one-out (LOOCV). LOOCV is a resampling technique used in statistical analysis and machine learning to estimate the generalization error of a model and compare the performance of different models. The studied variables are then estimated using ordinary kriging. Findings. The application of the proposed approach has resulted in satisfactory results in terms of dispersion of grades and thicknesses of mineralized layers in a phosphate deposit. To evaluate the quality of the adjustment models obtained, efficiency factors such as Nash-Sutcliffe, and RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), were employed. These factors provide quantitative measures of the agreement between the observed and predicted values. The NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) and RMSE (root mean square error) values of 0.572 and 6.599, respectively, indicate a better fit and greater accuracy of the adjustment models. The accuracy and efficiency criteria of the studied variables have acceptable values, with a mean square error (MSE) of 1.54 · 10-7. Originality. The combination of the least squares and LOOCV methods in the geostatistical analysis leads to improved estimation precision, greater reliability in representing the spatial variability of the parameters, and enhanced confidence in the validity of the adjustment models. Practical value. The development of a computer code for this geostatistical approach provides a practical tool for decision-makers to use in the management and exploitation of mining sites. Overall, this study has contributed to the advancement of geostatistical techniques and their application in the mining industry.
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Key words
geostatistical analysis,mineral
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