Metrological perspective on the use of ultrasound physiotherapy equipment in Brazil

Journal of physics(2023)

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Despite several scientific proofs about the success of using therapeutic ultrasound for different therapies, there are also reports of failures and ineffectiveness in applied treatments. Much of this failure is due to the poor working conditions of the ETUS equipment used, which causes the reduction or absence of therapeutic effects. This survey asked professionals about the methods they use and the methods they know and are available on the market to test their equipment through a questionnaire. This study aimed to discuss, for the metrological perspective, the use of ultrasound physiotherapy equipment in Brazil. A problem for the metrological reliability of ETUS is related to the lack of metrological culture among users, who do not adopt procedures to assess their equipment, often because they are unaware of its importance and need. Periodic checks on equipment would give physiotherapists a resource with greater reliability and possibly more efficient therapies.
ultrasound physiotherapy equipment,metrological perspective
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