Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) with multiple vibration excitation sources have complex torsional vibration "/>
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Torsional Vibration Attenuation of HEV Drivetrain Featuring on a Controllable Damper

Zhengfeng Yan, Shaofei Liu, Shi‐Bo Cheng,Xian–Xu Bai

SAE technical paper series(2023)

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Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) with multiple vibration excitation sources have complex torsional vibration problems of the drivetrain. When the drivetrain system resonates, it will lead to an increase in vehicle vibration and noise. The parameters of the passive damping mechanisms cannot be adjusted in real time according to the torsional vibration level of the vehicle, and it is difficult to meet the damping requirements of each vibration frequency band. Active torsional vibration control systems need high cost and energy consumption, strict maintenance, and complex control technology in practical applications. A novel electronically controlled damper (ECD) is proposed in this paper and is applied to a parallel hybrid power system. The structure of the ECD is introduced, the dynamic model of the ECD is established, and the relationship curve is obtained between the electromagnetic damping torque, excitation current, and speed using finite element analysis (FEA). The dynamic differential equation of the hybrid power system is derived, and on this basis, the topology structure and damping range of the ECD are determined according to the sensitivity simulation results under different working conditions. The co-simulation analysis of AMESim and MATLAB/Simulink is carried out. The simulation results of different ECD systems under the acceleration condition show that the ECD with fuzzy control can significantly reduce the resonance amplitude of the HEV drivetrain, and the damping rate of the critical area between the resonance and the non-resonance can be accurately controlled to achieve the best damping effect. At the same time, the vibration suppression effect in the non-resonant area is always stable.
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Key words
torsional vibration attenuation,hev drivetrain,controllable damper
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