Objective prerequisites of innovative development of enterprises in ukraine

Nelia Chorna, Anastasia Vandiak

Ìnstitut buhgaltersʹkogo oblìku, kontrolʹ ta analìz v umovah globalìzacìï(2023)

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Introduction. The development of Ukraine’s economy under the conditions of globalization and high competitive pressure involves the use of new solutions - modern equipment, technology, forms and methods of management and production organization, that is, the implementation of innovations in order to implement the achievements of scientific and technical progress into the production and social spheres. Russia’s war against Ukraine makes significant threats to the development of domestic business. Strict conditions require an increase in the innovative activity of business entities, which helps to reduce costs, increase the efficiency of production and competitiveness of products, the transition to the digital economy and technological initiatives. Global trends, such as the emergence of breakthrough technologies, digitization and acceleration of products’ life cycle, increase the relevance of innovative development in Ukrainian business and the country’s economy in general. ased on this, innovative development is the main priority of Ukrainian socio-economic development, a prerequisite for improving the quality of products and increasing the competitiveness of domestic production. Methods. During the process of scientific research, the authors used: dialectical method of cognition, scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, description, generalization, systemic approach. The specified methodical tools are used for: consideration of the essence and disclosure the peculiarities of enterprises’ innovative development in modern conditions; determination its further prospects in Ukraine. Results. Objective prerequisites of innovative development of enterprises in Ukraine in the context of globalization challenges are summarized. The key parameters of state support for innovative activity, the functioning of the appropriate institutional environment, the creation of an effective system of introducing innovations at the enterprise through resource, technological and market components of innovative activity are substantiated. The prospects of an innovative type of domestic business development based on foreign experience as a decisive condition for our country’s forward movement are determined. Discussion. Taking into account the current global economic and geopolitical challenges, as well as in order to eliminate the negative consequences of Russian military aggression, it is necessary to ensure the proper socio-economic development of Ukraine based on the activation of innovations. The level of economy innovativeness has become a determining criterion for each state’s readiness to join the European Union, the main goal of which is to unite the scientific and technical potential of European countries with the aim of their integration into the European and global innovation network. Therefore, further scientific developments in this field, which will have an applied nature, are extremely important.
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Key words
innovative development,enterprises,ukraine,objective prerequisites
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