Current Treatment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

Lian Yang,Shunlin Peng

Ear, nose, & throat journal(2023)

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Objectives: Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a complex syndrome characterized by the reflux of gastroduodenal contents into the pharynx or larynx, resulting in a range of symptoms, including chronic cough, throat clearing, pain, dysphagia, hoarseness, and dysphonia. Despite the lack of a gold standard for diagnosis or treatment, various strategies have been proposed to manage LPR. However, the effectiveness of these treatments is compromised by the lack of a uniform treatment protocol, which places a burden on patients, physicians, and the healthcare system. This study aims to systematically review the treatments of LPR and provide updated and useful clinical information to clinical physicians. Methods: The literature with an emphasis on LPR and related keywords is searched and reviewed in PubMed. Results: Treatment of LPR includes health education, lifestyle modification, dietary changes, medications, and surgery, as well as the emergence of a novel treatment method involving external upper esophageal sphincter compression devices. Conclusions: Currently, medication is the main treatment, supplemented with lifestyle and dietary changes, but there is still a lack of effective means for patients with drug-resistant or intolerant LPR. More high-quality and rigorous trials must continue to be conducted to determine the best treatment options and find novel treatments. Taking into account the complexity of LPR, this study proposes a simple algorithm to help clinicians with the initial management of this disease.
reflux,current treatment
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