Garcinia mangostana Pericarp Extracts and α-Mangostin in Hair Care : An Insight into their Potential as Functional Ingredients and the Biological Properties

Yik Ling Chew,Sze-Huey Sang, Gabriel Akyirem Akuwoah,Kai Bin Liew

The Natural products journal(2023)

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Abstract: Haircare products with botanical origins and the absence of highly allergenic chemicals, such as parabens, petrochemicals, and silicones, have been considered more skin-friendly and ecofriendly to the environment. Recently, there has been a growing demand for these natural hair care products. Besides the perceived health benefits, many users also believe these botanical origin ingredients are generally milder, non-toxic, natural, and less likely to disrupt the hair and scalp's natural pH and oil balance. Garcinia mangostana has been known for centuries in traditional Asian medicine. α-Mangostin is the major xanthone present in G. mangostana. It exists abundantly in the fruit pericarp. Numerous activities have been reported on this plant and α-mangostin in hair care and scalp maintenance. Our review is the first to highlight the potential of G. mangostana pericarp and α-mangostin and the activities emphasized in hair care. This review thoroughly discussed five essential activities: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hair rejuvenation (hair growth), and tanning.
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Key words
pericarp extracts,hair care,functional ingredients
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