Predicting Anorexia Nervosa and Autistic Characteristics in Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa from Resting State Cyclic Connectivity


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Background Resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rsfMRI) differences have been reported in individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN). However, methodological issues limit inferences, the dynamic cyclic nature of the resting state signal has not been explored, neither has the association with known elevated autistic characteristics. Methods 92 participants, 65 Individuals with AN and 27 controls underwent rsfMRI. Cyclic analysis was conducted to obtain pairwise relationships between regions. Classification of group and regression to predict autistic characteristics within the AN group was conducted, with model weights being explored to ascertain the most predictive pairwise relationships. Results Pairwise relationships in the temporal, dorsal and ventral attention networks were most predictive of group. The anterior intraparietal sulcus, salience, dorsal attention, auditory dorsal posterior cingulate cortex, and ventral attention networks were most predictive of autistic characteristics. Discussion Several distinct pairwise relationships predicting group and autistic characteristics were found, however, the global disruption of the temporal ordering of the cyclic wave, and variation in temporal ordering across resting state scan are also a neurophenotype in individuals with AN and the relationship to autistic characteristics. Characteristics associated with AN and autism are also predicted by distinct neural regions. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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