How You Voice Matters: Exploring Different Voice Types and Voice-Related Outcomes

Chi Thi Kim Nguyen, Yurianna S. Kimmons,Ethan R. Burris,Melissa Chamberlin,Michael Howe, Jeongmin Lee, Jake Telkamp, Sophie Pychlau,Hudson Sessions, Grace Ching Chi Ho,David T. Welsh, Felipe Guzmán, B. Sebastian Reiche

Proceedings - Academy of Management(2023)

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Voice is defined as discretionary behaviors aimed at improving the organization. Four papers in this symposium investigate the outcomes of different voice types (prohibitive versus promotive voice, private versus public voice, and challenging versus supportive voice) using different novel theoretical frameworks and rigorous research designs. These papers address questions related to how different voice types and characteristics of voicers affect relationships between employees and leaders as well as their work groups and the organizations. Judging an Idea by Its Voicer: Intersectional Effects of Race and Gender on Voice Endorsement Author: Yurianna S. Kimmons; Oklahoma State U. Author: Chi Nguyen; Oklahoma State U. License to explore: The influence of team voice perceptions on job crafting Author: Melissa Chamberlin; Iowa State U. Author: Michael Howe; Iowa State U. Author: Jeongmin Lee; - Author: Jake Telkamp; Augusta U. Coming together over concerns: Positive Effects of Complementary and Supplementary Prohibitive Voice Author: Sophie Pychlau; Iowa State U. Author: Hudson Sessions; Southern Methodist U. Author: Grace Ching Chi Ho; Arizona State U. Author: David Welsh; Arizona State U. Can you Understand Me? Relating English Language Fluency and Voice in Multinational Employees Author: Felipe Guzman; IESEG School of Management Author: Sebastian Reiche; IESE Business School
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Key words
voice matters,different voice types,outcomes,voice-related
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