Multimodal imaging and deep learning unveil pulmonary delivery profiles and acinar migration of tissue-resident macrophages in the lung

Limeng Yang, Pramod Kumar,Arunima Sengupta,Ali Farnoud, Ruolin Shen, Darya Trofimova,Sebastian Ziegler,Neda Davoudi, Ali Doryab, Ali Öender Yildirim, Herbert B. Schiller,Daniel Razansky,Marie Piraud, Qiongliang Liu, Markus Rehberg, Tobias Stoeger, Gerald Burgstaller,Wolfgang G. Kreyling,Fabian Isensee,Otmar Schmid

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Holistic deciphering of spatially-resolved delivery and biokinetics of nanoparticles (NPs) in the lung, along with the mobility of tissue-resident macrophages (TRMs) and their role in regulating NP cellular fate, remains unclear. Multimodal imaging and deep learning were applied to elucidate the longitudinal inter- and intra-acinar deposition features and regional dosimetry of NPs. The initial NP distribution patterns depended significantly on the pulmonary delivery routes and were most uniform for aerosol inhalation. Artificial intelligence-driven 3D airway segmentation enabled direct determination of bronchial and acinar NP dose. Longitudinal imaging uncovered an intra-acinar NP kinetics profile independent of delivery route. Contrary to the traditional notion of passive diffusion, this study reveals that long-term NP lung retention is facilitated by intra-acinar NP transport mediated by phagocytosis and patrolling of TRMs. Overall, this study elucidates the complexities of NP-lung delivery features and TRM immunity on the fate of biopersistent NPs.
unveil pulmonary delivery profiles,macrophages,lung,tissue-resident
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