Feasibility of producing a liquid additive derived from basalt powder for use in the foliar biofertilizer industry

Antonio Júnior Dal Piva,Gustavo Lopes Colpani, Fábio José Busnello, Caroline Olias,Aline Vanessa Sauer,Francieli Dalcanton,Cristiano Reschke Lajús


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The present work aims to evaluate the technical feasibility of using basalt powder in the form of a liquid suspension for agriculture. The study was conducted in different research environments according to their stages and specific objectives, which are as follows: Unochapecó Soil Laboratory; IBRA-SP Laboratory and the UPF Laboratory (Passo Fundo/RS). The concentrations of basalt rock dust in liquid thermal dilution of organic solution were outlined in a factorial scheme (2x3), with Factor A corresponding to Thermal dilution (ºC) and Factor B being the fraction of basalt dust (g), with 4 replications, totaling 24 plots. The response variables analyzed were: N; P2O5; K2O; Here; mg; S; Zn; Ass; Mn; B; Co; Mo and Fe. The collected data were submitted to descriptive and inferential analysis through the variance by the F test (P≤0.05) and the differences between the means were compared by the Tukey test (P≤0.05). When analyzing statistically in an inferential and descriptive way, the proposed methodology is considered technically efficient for the extraction of macro and micronutrients present in the basalt powder, with emphasis on the hot dilution with 100 ml of solute and 50g of basalt powder.
basalt powder,liquid additive
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