Technology cannot fix this: To stay within planetary boundaries, plastic growth must be tackled

EarthArXiv (California Digital Library)(2023)

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In this Matters Arising, we respond to a recent article by Bachmann et al.1 We argue that dealing with plastics pollution as a novel entity within the planetary boundaries framework needs to consider the entirety of the plastics life cycle, from resource extraction to impacts on earth system processes. Singling out LCA quantifications to set a boundary for recycling plastics is not only an unviable myth but may be a dangerous approach. Bachmann et al.1 argue that it is possible to maintain business as usual and move the economy ‘towards circular plastics’ while staying within planetary boundaries. The authors’ solutions rest on poorly operationalized terms and unrealistic estimates, which over-state what technological solutions can achieve and risk locking the world into an even more plastic-intensive future. We see major flaws in their baseline assumptions and aim to better define and contextualize plastics pollution within Earth systems.
plastic growth,planetary boundaries,technology
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