Chitosan Based Hybrid Polymeric Systems in Diabetes Monitoring

Chitosan Nanocomposites Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering(2023)

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Diabetes is an endocrinometabolic disorder caused due to the irregular glucose metabolism. Insulin is secreted by pancreatic islets of β-cells. Hence, the pancreas is known as a “glucose regulator” that facilitates in regulating the synthesis and secretion of insulin which in turn facilitates in keeping blood glucose in balance. The complications related to diabetes range from hyperglycemia, metabolic dysfunction, reproductive abnormalities, neuronal and renal damage. Various drugs and remedies are available for the treatment of diabetes coming from allopathy, homeopathy and ayurveda and are available since the past few decades. Moreover, in current era, nanomedicines prepared from various different plant parts and other polymeric compounds are are under consideration for the treatment of polygenic disease and associated complications. However, they are also having some demerits. Therefore, chitosanChitosan based nanopolymeric might be a better option for the treatment of diabetes and associated complication. In this chapter chitosanChitosan based nanoformualtions has been discussed along with their role in treating of diabetes.
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