Discovery of a molecular clock that controls CD8+T cell function and exhaustion

Journal of Immunology(2023)

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Abstract During cancer and chronic viral infections, the persistence of antigen progressively causes CD8+ T cells to differentiate into a dysfunctional PD1+ “exhausted” state, with reduced production of inflammatory cytokines relative to effector cells that form during acute infections. Antigen and costimulation signals activate kinase cascades to induce distinct T cell transcription programs, but how T cells distinguish acute and chronic signals to program the exhausted or effector transcriptional states remains poorly understood. We found that members of the protein kinase C (PKC) family function together as a “molecular clock,” sensing acute or chronic agonism to drive distinct transcriptional programs. Continuous stimulation of PKC induces many features of T cell exhaustion, including a loss of production of the cytokines IFNγ and TNF, upregulation of inhibitory receptors and TOX, and altered expression of the proteins in the AP-1 family. Mechanistically, CD8+ T cells express several different PKC proteins, and chronic agonism of PKC leads to degradation of multiple family members and selective maintenance of only one PKC protein, PKC-η. This “PKC switch” alters downstream signaling to support the transcriptional reprogramming of T cells into a terminally exhausted state. In summary, continuous signaling through PKCs causes changes in the output from these kinases initially at the protein level, driving transcriptional changes downstream of PKC targets in the AP-1 transcription factor family and thus allowing further widespread transcriptional and functional changes that characterize T cell exhaustion. Supported by a Damon Runyon Cancer Research Fellowship (DRG-2358-19) and an NIH training grant, T32-CA009370.
molecular clock,cell,exhaustion
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