Analysis of Students' Numerical Ability in Solving Minimum Competency Assessment Questions in View of Cognitive Outcomes in Elementary Schools

Pipit Garnis Septiyani, Arif Yulianto,Deni Setiawan

International journal of research and review(2023)

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This research was conducted to describe the relationship between students' numeracy abilities and cognitive outcomes in the implementation of the Minimum Competency Assessment and find out the comparison of the average value of students' Minimum Competency Assessment results in terms of the answer scheme. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. This research is explained by using a survey method, where data is collected using questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The population used in this study were 5th grade students of public elementary schools in Cirebon City for the 2022/2023 academic year. The sample in this study consisted of 134 schools spread across five sub-districts in Cirebon City, including Kejaksan District (28 schools), Kesambi District (35 schools), Harjamukti District (38 schools), Pekalipan District (12 schools) and Lemah wungkuk District (21 schools). The results of this study indicate that 93% of the questions used are valid. This means that the numeration questions used have accuracy and accuracy as a measuring tool in making an assessment. Therefore, this numeracy problem is suitable for use in research. Likewise with the results of the reliability test of numeration questions. The Cronbach’s Alpha value of 72% means that the numeration questions being tested are reliable or trustworthy. With a Cronbach’s Alpha value of 72%, the numeration questions tested have a good degree of stability, consistency and accuracy so that they can produce reliable data. There is a difference in the average AKM score for students who work on complete, incomplete and skipped Minimum Competency Assessment questions. From the elaboration of the conclusions of the analysis and discussion of the data above, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. The hypothesis of this study can be accepted empirically that the intervention of educators in solving AKM questions with complete, incomplete, and jumping answers affects the magnitude of the average AKM score. Keywords: Minimum Competency Assessment, Numeral Ability, Cognitive Outcome
minimum competency assessment questions,cognitive outcomes,numerical ability
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