Improving children’s opportunities for play, physical activity, and social interaction through neighbourhood walkabout and photography in Bristol, UK

Cities & Health(2023)

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We describe neighbourhood community ‘walkabouts’ using photography as a pragmatic, low-cost methodology for engaging with disadvantaged and marginalised communities, to assist local authorities providing and consulting about city services. Using a health lens frame on neighbourhoods as providing or restricting opportunities for play, interaction, physical activity and nutrition for children and families, we conducted two walkabouts using photography in an ethnically diverse European city. The meeting point for Somali and other ethnically diverse community members, practitioners, elected representatives and academics in this action research was a shared wish to improve the neighbourhood public realm for child health and development, family wellbeing and confident childrearing. The methodology brought opportunities to improve local physical environments for communities, to develop relationships with neighbours and authorities, and to influence statutory planning, decision-making and urban investment. Neighbourhood walkabouts with photography can serve as an accessible platform for communication and advocacy, and help decision-makers effectively hear the voices of disadvantaged and marginalised communities.
neighbourhood walkabout,photography,physical activity,childrens
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