First Host Report of Earhead Worm, Autoba silicula (Swinhoe, 1897) on Maize

Mogili Ramaiah, S. O. Naik,Naresh M. Meshram, S. N. Bhagyashree, P. R. Shashank

Indian journal of entomology(2023)

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Earhead worm Autoba silicula (Swinhoe, 1897) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) is recorded for the first time in India on maize. Larvae were found feeding on maturing grains and silk, fully fed matured larvae pupates under a dome shaped or elongated galleries made of silk inside the cob. Roving survey conducted during 2019 and 2020 recorded on an average 0.40 and 0.45 larvae per plant, respectively, which is below the economic threshold. In the present study, information on species diagnosis with illustrations, occurrence, nature and symptoms of damage are provided.
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earhead worm,maize,first host report
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