Postpartum Ovarian Vein Thrombosis And Venous Anatomical Variation

João Abrantes, Eliana Teixeira,Fernanda Gomes, Clara Fernandes


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A 34-year-old multipara presented 72 hours postpartum with acute right-sided abdominal pain. The investigation revealed mild leucocytosis with positive D-dimer and elevated C reactive protein. Abdominal ultrasound and abdominopelvic CT demonstrated an enlarged right ovarian vein with endoluminal thrombus, representing postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis. The patient became asymptomatic 48hours after starting broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment and anticoagulant therapy. She completed the treatment in ambulatory regimen and control abdominopelvic CT imaging was performed and revealed a duplicated right ovarian vein and a small residual subacute thrombus in the lumen of the distal right ovarian vein. The patient remained asymptomatic in the clinical follow-up.
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Key words
radiology, pregnancy, gynecology
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