Comparison of the reproductive performance of Simbal and Bali cattle in East Lombok Regency

JITPI (Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Indonesia = Indonesian Journal of Animal Science and Technology)(2022)

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The study was conducted in a cattle breeding area between Bali and Simbal cattle in East Lombok Regency with the aim of determining the comparison of reproductive performance levels of Simbal and Bali cattle in smallholder breeding businesses. The variables observed included: an estrus postpartum, first artificial insemination after giving birth, service period, opening days open, and services per conception. Determination of the location was carried out by purposive sampling based on the population of cattle that are cared for. A sampling of cattle was done randomly with as many as 60 heads (30 heads of Bali cattle and 30 Simbal cattle). To determine the difference in reproductive efficiency between Bali and Simbal cattle, data analysis was carried out using a t-test. The results showed that the reproductive efficiency as measured by postpartum estrus, days open, service per conception, and calving interval was higher (P<0.05) in Simbal compared to Bali cattle, with an average value respectively 38.13 ± 5.4 days, 96.83 ± 8.15 days, 1.58 ± 0.58 times, and 323 ± 05 days for Bali cattle, while for Simbal the results were 83.34 ± 20.54 days, 163.04 ±16,34 days 2.50 ± 0.8 times, and 508 ± 43 days. Bali cows are very effective at producing calves every year, so their performance is more efficient than Simbal which has 185 days longer calving interval. Keywords: Bali Cattle, Simbal Cattle, Reproductive Efficiency.
bali cattle,reproductive performance,east lombok regency
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