Genomic localization of qtl associated snp with phenotypic effects common to kazakh white-headed and auliekol breeds

Alena Valentinovna Belaya,Индира Бейшова, R. S. Shulinski, Alexandr Kovalchuk, Вадим Ульянов

Učenye zapiski učreždeniâ obrazovaniâ "Vitebskaâ orderna "Znak početa" gosudarstvennaâ akademiâ veterinarnoj mediciny"(2022)

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The article presents the results of a genome-wide search for QTL associated SNP with phenotypic effects in Kazakh white-headed and Auliekol cattle. There were determined 6 genomic regions common for the two breeds (with a total length of 192.8 mB bp), 7 breed-specific regions for the Kazakh white-headed (total length of 19.52 mB bp), and 12 breed-specific for the Auliekol breed (total length of 15, 10 mB bp). Of the 479 breed-wide QTL associated SNP (161 for birth weight, 224 for weaning weight, 10 for body weight at 12 months, and 84 for average daily weight gain), only 44 are in the regions of the genome most similar in the two breeds and 1 in the area breed-specific for the Kazakh white-headed breed. A significant part of the QTL associated SNP that we established was also described by other authors who conducted a genome-wide search in other breeds. At the same time, the studies were mainly carried out on the Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadChip chip with a lower coating density, which partly explains the lack of data on other polymorphisms that we detected. Candidate genes, which contain QTL associated SNP common to both breeds, mainly encode intracellular proteins that are translated into all types of tissues and are involved in general body metabolic and physiological processes. Regarding intragenic localization, it can be noted that for the most part, breed-wide QTL associated SNP are located within introns or in the regulatory regions of candidate genes.
qtl associated snp,qtl associated,phenotypic effects,white-headed
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