Experimental investigation of adsorption enhancement by oscillating flow with reverse flow

Ryota Takahashi,Atsushi Akisawa

Nihon Kikai Gakkai Kanto Shibu Sokai Koenkai koen ronbunshu(2022)

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Previous researches found that acoustic wave enhanced the adsorption speed of Silica gel by experiments and low frequency oscillating flow also would enhanced the adsorption speed by simulations. The objective of this study is to construct low frequency oscillating flow generator and to confirm the effect of low frequency oscillating flow on the adsorption. Two blowers are involved to create oscillating flow with reverse flow, which is necessary for the adsorption enhancement. The adsorption amount was measured with steady flow and with the oscillating flow. According to the results, it was observed that the oscillating flow increased the adsorption by 1.35 for the velocity amplitude ratio U*=4.7.
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Key words
adsorption enhancement,flow
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