Supplying Critical Materials in a Time of Uncertainty

LIMEN - International Scientific-Business Conference - Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics: Integrated Politics of Research(2022)

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The high demand for energy, food, and raw materials is putting an enormous strain on ecosystems around the planet. Therefore, the indus­trial strategies of many countries rely on the so-called green plan and tran­sition toward climate neutrality. In this sense, the need for new materials greatly exceeds the existing possibilities and capacities. Critical materials are raw materials that have great economic importance and for which there is a probability of shortage. Since the world is facing more and more serious problems, whether it is an economic crisis, a pandemic, or war conflicts, the general character of the present and, one would say, future time, is uncer­tain. Prediction of uncertainty is a task that decision-makers must keep in mind when deciding on the present and the future, not only of economies but of entire ecosystems and populations as a whole. The paper shows how critical materials affect development and growth, and the fulfillment of en­vironmental requirements, using examples from various industries.
critical materials,uncertainty
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