Recursively Feasible Probabilistic Safe Online Learning with Control Barrier Functions

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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Learning-based control schemes have recently shown great efficacy performing complex tasks for a wide variety of applications. However, in order to deploy them in real systems, it is of vital importance to guarantee that the system will remain safe during online training and execution. Among the currently most popular methods to tackle this challenge, Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) serve as mathematical tools that provide a formal safety-preserving control synthesis procedure for systems with known dynamics. In this paper, we first introduce a model-uncertainty-aware reformulation of CBF-based safety-critical controllers using Gaussian Process (GP) regression to bridge the gap between an approximate mathematical model and the real system. Compared to previous approaches, we study the feasibility of the resulting robust safety-critical controller. This feasibility analysis results in a set of richness conditions that the available information about the system should satisfy to guarantee that a safe control action can be found at all times. We then use these conditions to devise an event-triggered online data collection strategy that ensures the recursive feasibility of the learned safety-critical controller. Our proposed methodology endows the system with the ability to reason at all times about whether the current information at its disposal is enough to ensure safety or if new measurements are required. This, in turn, allows us to provide formal results of forward invariance of a safe set with high probability, even in a priori unexplored regions. Finally, we validate the proposed framework in numerical simulations of an adaptive cruise control system and a kinematic vehicle.
online learning,control
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