Optical Mapping of Virtual Electrode Polarization Pattern and Its Relationship with Pacemaker Location during Gastric Pacing.

2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)(2023)

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Gastric rhythmic contractions are regulated by bioelectrical events known as slow waves (SW). Abnormal SW activity is associated with gastric motility disorders. Gastric pacing is a potential treatment method to restore rhythmic SW activity. However, to date, the efficacy of gastric pacing is inconsistent and the underlying mechanisms of gastric pacing are poorly understood. Optical mapping is widely used in cardiac electrophysiology studies. Its immunity to pacing artifacts offers a distinct advantage over conventional electrical mapping for studying pacing. In the present study, we first found that optical mapping can image pacing-induced virtual electrode polarization patterns in the stomach (adjacent regions of depolarized and hyperpolarized tissue). Second, we found that elicited SWs usually (15 of 16) originated from the depolarized areas of the stimulated region (virtual cathodes). To our knowledge, this is the first direct observation of virtual electrode polarization patterns in the stomach. Conclusions: Optical mapping can image virtual electrode polarization patterns during gastric pacing with high spatial resolution.Clinical Relevance- Gastric pacing is a potential therapeutic method for gastric motility disorders. This study provides direct observation of virtual electrode polarization pattern during gastric pacing and improves our understanding of the mechanisms underlying gastric pacing..
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