Automatic travel pattern extraction from visa page stamps using CNN models

Eimantas Ledinauskas,Julius Ruseckas, Julius Marozas, Kasparas Karlauskas,Justas Terentjevas, Augustas Mačijauskas,Alfonsas Juršėnas

arXiv (Cornell University)(2021)

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Manual travel pattern inference from visa page stamps is a time consuming activity and constitutes an important bottleneck in the efficiency of traveler inspection at border crossings. Despite efforts to digitize and record the border crossing information into databases, travel pattern inference from stamps will remain a problem until every country in the world is incorporated into such a unified system. This could take decades. We propose an automated document analysis system that processes scanned visa pages and automatically extracts the travel pattern from detected stamps. The system processes the page via the following pipeline: stamp detection in the visa page; general stamp country and entry/exit recognition; Schengen area stamp country and entry/exit recognition; Schengen area stamp date extraction. For each stage of the proposed pipeline we construct neural network models and train then on a mixture of real and synthetic data. We integrated Schengen area stamp detection and date, country, entry/exit recognition models together with a graphical user interface into a prototype of an automatic travel pattern extraction tool. We find that by combining simple neural network models into our proposed pipeline a useful tool can be created which can speed up the travel pattern extraction significantly.
visa page stamps,automatic travel pattern extraction,cnn
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