Video 3D Sampling for Self-supervised Representation Learning


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Most of the existing video self-supervised methods mainly leverage temporal signals of videos, ignoring that the semantics of moving objects and environmental information are all critical for video-related tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised method for video representation learning, referred to as Video 3D Sampling (V3S). In order to sufficiently utilize the information (spatial and temporal) provided in videos, we pre-process a video from three dimensions (width, height, time). As a result, we can leverage the spatial information (the size of objects), temporal information (the direction and magnitude of motions) as our learning target. In our implementation, we combine the sampling of the three dimensions and propose the scale and projection transformations in space and time respectively. The experimental results show that, when applied to action recognition, video retrieval and action similarity labeling, our approach improves the state-of-the-arts with significant margins.
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video 3d sampling,representation learning,self-supervised
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