The Influence of Employees’ Financial Equity Perception on Organizational Effectiveness in NPOs

Xia Li, Fangfang Chen

Lecture Notes in Computer Science(2021)

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The Employees’ Financial Equity Perception in NPOs is the important content of NPO human resource management. It has an important influence on the efficiency of organization management by effecting on the organizational effectiveness. Through a questionnaire survey of employees of some NPOs, the structural equation analysis indicates the influence path of the employees’ financial equity perception on organizational effectiveness in NPOs, the results show that the NPO employee job satisfaction is mainly positively affected by distributive equity and procedural equity; the degree of being approved of the staff is mainly positively influenced by the financial information fairness and financial result fairness; staff satisfaction affects organizational citizenship behavior and organizational commitment; organizational commitment has some negative effect on organizational failure behavior; normative commitment and continuance commitment have positive influence on organizational identity perception, while affective commitment has not obvious positive impact on organizational identification perception.
financial equity perception,organizational effectiveness,employees
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