
Tomonari Furukawa, Satoshi Noma,Mikihide Demura, Naoaki Hayashi

Nihon Shokuhin Hozō Kagakkaishi(2021)

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A reduced salt fish sauce was prepared from Odontamblyopus lacepedii under pressurized carbon dioxide (pCO2). NaCl (20%) was required to prevent putrefaction odor under atmospheric pressure (AP). Using pCO2 conditions reduced this requirement to 10% NaCl. Browning is also reduced by preparingfish sauces in pCO2 General viable bacteria were detected at 4×104 CFU/mℓ in fish sauce produced in 20% NaCl under AP. Viable bacteria were not detected in fish sauces produced under pCO2. No Clostridium spp. were observed in any of the prepared fish sauces. Histamine was present at 10 mg/100mℓ only in sauce produced in 10% NaCl under AP. Fish sauce produced under pCO2 contained higher concentrations of lactic acid, succinic acid, and acetic acid, and significantly reduced butyric acid than the AP fish sauce. These organic acids should contribute to the prevention of bacterial growth under pCO2 conditions. Proteolysis was promoted under pCO2, yielding free amino acid levels equal to or higher than those in sauce produced under AP conditions. In addition, pCO2 conditions increased glutamic acid content. Sensory testing showed that umami was improved under pCO2 compared to AP conditions. Taste sensory analysis also revealed that umami richness increased under pCO2. These results indicate the usefulness of pCO2 for preparing reduced-salt Odontamblyopus lacepedii fish sauce.
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