Resonant Stratification in Titan's Global Ocean


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Titan's ice shell floats on top of a global ocean, as revealed by the large tidal Love number k 2 = 0.616 +/- 0.067 registered by Cassini. The Cassini observation exceeds the predicted k 2 by one order of magnitude in the absence of an ocean, and is 3 sigma away from the predicted k 2 if the ocean is pure water resting on top of a rigid ocean floor. Previous studies demonstrate that an ocean heavily enriched in salts (salinity S greater than or similar to 200 g kg-1) can explain the 3 sigma signal in k 2. Here we revisit previous interpretations of Titan's large k 2 using simple physical arguments and propose a new interpretation based on the dynamic tidal response of a stably stratified ocean in resonance with eccentricity tides raised by Saturn. Our models include inertial effects from a full consideration of the Coriolis force and the radial stratification of the ocean, typically neglected or approximated elsewhere. The stratification of the ocean emerges from a salinity profile where the salt concentration linearly increases with depth. We find multiple salinity profiles that lead to the k 2 required by Cassini. In contrast with previous interpretations that neglect stratification, resonant stratification reduces the bulk salinity required by observations by an order of magnitude, reaching a salinity for Titan's ocean that is compatible with that of Earth's oceans and close to Enceladus' plumes. Consequently, no special process is required to enrich Titan's ocean to a high salinity as previously suggested.
Titan,Saturnian satellites,Ocean tides,Gravitational fields,Planetary interior,Astrophysical fluid dynamics
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