Caracterização de frutos de jabuticaba ‘sabará’ provenientes da região de jataí-go

Pedro Henrique Magalhães de Souza,Francielly Rodrigues Gomes, João Pedro Silva Macêdo Guimarães,Angelita Lorrayne Soares Lima Ragagnin, Moab Acácio Barbosa, Lazara Kamilla Ferreira de Souza, Américo Nunes da Silveira-Neto,Danielle Fabíola Pereira da Silva

Revista Brasileira de Agropecuária Sustentável(2021)

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Native of Brazil south center, the jabuticaba tree id found since the Para state to Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. Belonging to Myrtaceae family, the “Sabara” jabuticaba occurs more frequently, being consumed more. The fruit has high nutricional value with significative source of water, carbohydrates, food fibers and C vitamin. Aimed with this study evaluate the physical and chemistry characteristics of “Sabara” jabuticaba from three origins of Jatai-GO region. The fruits were harvest in November of 2018. For each origin were selected 100 fruits and evaluated length/diameter, fruits weight, pulp yield, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, C vitamin content, relation soluble solids content/titratable acidity and epidermis and pulp coloring as to the L*, C* and h° coordinates. The experimental design used was the completely randomized, containing as treatments fruits of three origins of “Sabara” jabuticaba, with 10 repetitions and 10 fruits per parcel. The medias were compared for the Scott-Knott test, adopting the probability level of 1%. The origin 1 stood out with bigger fruits in length, diameter, fresh weight of the fruit and pulp yield.
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