The condensation of HP1-α/Swi6 imparts nuclear stiffness

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2020)

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SUMMARY The condensation of proteins and nucleic acids underlies the formation of membraneless organelles, which have emerged as major drivers of cellular organization. It remains largely unexplored, however, whether these condensates can impart mechanical function(s) to the cell. The heterochromatin protein HP1-α (Swi6 in S. pombe ) crosslinks histone H3K9 methylated nucleosomes and has been proposed to undergo condensation to drive the liquid-like clustering of heterochromatin domains. Here we leverage the genetically tractable S. pombe model and a separation-of-function Swi6 allele to elucidate a mechanical function imparted by its condensation. Using a combination of single-molecule imaging, force spectroscopy on individual nuclei, and high-resolution live-cell imaging, we show that Swi6 is critical for nuclear resistance to external force. Strikingly, it is this condensed yet dynamic pool of Swi6, rather than the chromatin-bound molecules, that is essential to imparting mechanical stiffness. Our findings suggest that Swi6 condensates embedded in the chromatin meshwork establish the emergent mechanical behavior of the nucleus as a whole, revealing that biomolecular condensation can influence organelle and cell mechanics.
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heterochromatin domains,phase separation
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