CAEV-Surrounding Objects Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Driving Using Lidar and Radar Fusion

Ze Liu, Feng Cai

Research Square (Research Square)(2020)

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Abstract Radar and Lidar are two environmental sensors commonly used in autonomous vehicles,Lidars are accurate in determining objects’ positions but significantly less accurate on measuring their velocities. However, Radars are more accurate on measuring objects velocities but less accurate on determining their positions as they have a lower spatial resolution. In order to compensate for the low detection accuracy, incomplete target attributes and poor environmental adaptability of single sensors such as Radar and LIDAR, we proposed an effective method for high-precision detection and tracking of surrounding targets of autonomous vehicles. By employing the Unscented Kalman Filter, radar and LIDAR information is effectively fused to achieve high-precision detection of the position and speed information of targets around the autonomous vehicle. Finally, we do a variety of driving environment under the real car algorithm verification test. The experimental results show that the proposed sensor fusion method can effectively detect and track the vehicle peripheral targets with high accuracy. Compared with a single sensor, it has obvious advantages and can improve the intelligence level of driverless cars.
radar fusion,lidar,autonomous driving,detection,caev-surrounding
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