Dynamic Low-rank Estimation for Transformer-based Language Models.

EMNLP 2023(2023)

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Matrix decomposition methods, such as Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and its importance-weighted variants, have been widely used for compressing Transformer-based language models. While importance-weighted decomposition methods alleviate the strong assumption of equal importance for each parameter in SVD, they still rely on two fundamental assumptions: 1) unchanged importance distribution during further fine-tuning, 2) equal importance across weight matrices in different layers. Furthermore, these methods necessitate a well-trained task-specific model as the starting point and require additional fine-tuning after compression. In this work, we proposed RankDyna, a matrix decomposition method that enables dynamic rank resource allocation among matrices across different layers during the training process. Starting from a general pre-trained model, RankDyna accomplishes the dual goals of compression and adaptation to the downstream task, all within a single round of fine-tuning. The extensive evaluations demonstrate that RankDyna can outperform current SOTA methods under various parameter budget levels, and the advantage of RankDyna is further enhanced with higher compression rates.
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